The Adventures of Piggly!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Piggly is my alter-ego. Whenever I'm feeling troubled I always switch over to let off a little steam. For some reason, this always works! I guess I feel a lot more open on Piggly than I usually do on my main character. There's a lot less of the "guy staring at your butt" feeling I suppose. Today I fought and "defeated" Ifrit. The reason defeated is in quotes is because I didn't really do much. My current survival ratio of Hellfire is somewhere near 50% having survived twice in four fights. This might not be all terrible but I also finished 3/4 fights with 0 HP with my faces planted in the heated soil. It really doesn't feel too good and I don't think I contributed very much to my dismay. I'm pretty sure I let down a lot of party members and I try to console myself that it's because it's my first four fights. I wish I had more experience going in but clearly this was an embarrassment and I probably won't be called on again for it... That said, I skipped over to Piggly and have since recovered my bearings.

Lailiyah Mihli made a new shell today called Pirate Ninjas. It's fun to have a social shell even if it only has 4 members. We have lots of strange rules like Cap Locks Saturday and No Pants Wednesdays. I'm excited about how this will turn out. I'm optimistic since it's just for chatting and no other activities; with close friends no less. We spent about an hour just chatting in Ul'dah! Relanya also joined and we spent a little time stargazing near the entrance of Ul'dah. Thanks again for taking the time to kind of pose for these! The night sky is very well done in this game. I feel as if this picture captures how expansive Eorzea is. I still hold out hope that this will be the site of some of my greatest adventures.